Government sets up National Data Repository
The National Data Repository (NDR) is an integrated data repository of Exploration and Production (E&P) data of Indian sedimentary basins.
The National Data Repository (NDR) is an integrated data repository of Exploration and Production (E&P) data of Indian sedimentary basins.
It is hosted at Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (DGH) in Noida. The DGH is a technical arm of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG).
The repository offers a unique platform to all E&P Operators, E&P Service Companies, E&P Investors and Academia to delve inside diverse E&P datasets of Indian sedimentary basins.
It is a step towards fulfilment of the Union Government’s ambitious project, which includes setting up of a National Knowledge Hub (NKH) alternatively called as National Knowledge Centre (NKC) in E&P area in coming few years.
The main objective is to set up National Data Repository of reliable exploration and production data for India with provisions for seamless access and online data management.
The specific goals of the repository include:
1. To validate, store, maintain and reproduce high quality and reliable geoscientific data.
2. To facilitate efficient data reporting, data exchange and data trading among existing players including all geoscientific agencies.
3. To improve DGH’s ability to monitor and control the exploration and production activities and reporting.
4. To encourage new exploration and production activities by providing high quality and reliable data.
5. To strengthen overall geoscientific activities in India.
6. To support an open acreage system for an improved global exploration and production business environment in India.
7. To provide quality E & P data for processing, interpretation and visualization centres at DGH.
Having an NDR for India will enhance prospects of petroleum exploration and facilitate the bidding rounds by improving the availability of quality data.
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